Saturday, September 15, 2007

Off to Japan and Taiwan

I left Sept. 10th for Japan and later, Taiwan, flying to Nagoya direct from Detroit and then to Kakegawa by train. So far, everything in Japan went smoothly, and I'm already in Taiwan. I haven't had the time or the internet access to update before this. After three nights in Kakegawa, I traveled back to Nagoya for an afternoon flight to Taipei, then a car ride to Taichung in time for the weekend. After another week of meetings here and in Tainan, I plan to spend a couple of nights in Taipei before heading home.

Kakegawa is a small city.

Hotel rooms are often small in Japan.

A speeding Shinkansen

Catching Up

I never had the time to finish finish the last trip, but wanted to catch up and post a few more pictures from it. I did end up spending yet another night without luggage in a hotel in Amsterdam before reaching Germany. Needless to say, I was the most tired that I could remember being when I finally reached the Alte Schule Hotel. I spent a day and a half in Germany before leaving the next morning for home. While there, I went with Erik on an unexpected fishing trip that was a delightful escape from what I had been through. We went out in a rowboat on a lake near his home for a couple of hours one evening. It was pouring when we arrived at the shore, but soon let up and cleared off to let the sun through. I captained the rowboat while Erik tried some new lures. Unfortunately, I didn't bring the camera.

A rare stairway boarding of a 747

Flying over Afghanistan

I love clouds

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