Friday, August 3, 2007


It's Saturday morning! That means I get to take my time at breakfast, enjoying the tea and large buffet a little more. There's nothing like a nice plate of fresh fruit. Taiwan has a great selection of fruit year round that is always delicious. See if you can identify what these are and drop me a note in the comments. Yes, you get one easy point for the kiwi. No helping, Lisa! The round fruit on the left is quite interesting. You only eat the seeds and juice sacs in the center with a spoon, and the juice really makes you pucker. The closest experience I could think of would be to eat a spoonful of Tang right from the jar. The other "unknown" fruit is very refreshing and without a strong or overly sweet flavor. The slightly crunchy seeds make for a great texture.

Today I'll be doing some work, some reading, and maybe checking out a shopping area or two, depending on how much heat I can take. The weather every day is 95 degrees and high humidity. I have not caught up on my sleep yet, so a nap may also be in my future.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh boy, I know what the fruit at the bottom with the black specks is, it's my favorite!! Don't worry, I won't tell. My lips are sealed.

Love your profile pic. So appropriate. You need to put the name of your blog at the top somewhere. It's such a clever name you can't leave it off!

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