Sunday, August 5, 2007

Panning for Golden Shots

One of the most noticable aspects of Taiwan life is the scooter. Most people have one, and it shows. They are everywhere, like blackflies around your head. Young and old, jeans and dresses, sneakers and high heals, kids and dogs, even stacks of propane tanks. Anything and everything. Traffic rules are not strictly followed, but the scooters, usually sharing a lane with cars, have to yield by default. Everything keeps moving forward and it somehow works...most of the time. I have seen several accidents in Tainan involving scooters. Fortunately none were very serious, but the scars I've seen on young people's legs prove otherwise. The shocking truth is that the parents usually wear helmets, but young children rarely have them on. Even before coming here, I had heard that five people riding on one scooter was not unheard of, and sure enough, we eventually saw it for ourselves. In fact, four is very common, and I have several pictures, including one today.

Panning shots of moving scooters has been my favorite pasttime.


I've been had!

Whoops! how did that get in here!


Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, you are just too funny! Where's my ice cream? Oh, you must have eaten it already.

Nice panning shots. Love the last one with the kid catching you in the act!

Wish I was there to enjoy the ice cream, I mean trip, with you.

Bev said...

Ice cream looks good, do they have any flavors unique to that region?
So odd that they don't have helmets for the little ones!

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